Methodological Practices to Teach English in Public Schools in the Central Region of El Salvador




Language teaching, educational system, teacher education, pedagogical practicum


The aim of this study was to identify the methodology used by junior high and high school English teachers who were trained in the National Teacher Training Program for In-service teachers from 2018 to 2019. The research methodology used was quantitative, followed by a descriptive approach. The sample was comprised to 21 in-service English teachers who finished the training program successfully. In addition, 435 students, who were in the English classes, participated in the study. 54% of the students were in the first year of high school while 46% were junior high students in Cabañas, La Paz, San Vicente, and Cuscatlán. The instrument for collecting the data was a structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions with a Likert scale. The findings suggest that the methodology more frequently used to teach English is the traditional methodology, despite the efforts made to apply the Communicative Language Teaching approach.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Laureano Alvarenga, Instituto Especializado de Nivel Superior Centro Cultural Salvadoreño Americano

Maestro en Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación Social de la Universidad de El Salvador. Decano Académico en el Instituto Especializado de Nivel Superior Centro Cultural Salvadoreño Americano, El Salvador

Willian Ayala Zepeda, Universidad Católica de El Salvador

Willian Edgardo Ayala Zepeda, Doctor en Educación de la Universidad de Navarra, España. Docente a tiempo completo en Universidad Católica de El Salvador, Correo electrónico,


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How to Cite

Laureano Alvarenga, M., & Ayala Zepeda, W. (2023). Methodological Practices to Teach English in Public Schools in the Central Region of El Salvador. Diá-Logos, 15(27), 61–73.