Author Guidelines
Article submission will be through the platform. To do so, you must register as an author (if it is your first time) or log in and access the author profile (if you are already registered). From there, you can start the submission process. Submissions must be in PDF format only.
The document must consist of a minimum of 250-300 words for the abstract along with a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 6 pages, and should be sent using the journal template. Articles will be reviewed by the members of the editorial board based on technical quality, originality, significance, clarity, and the scope of further research.
The decision on acceptance, revision, or rejection of the manuscript will be communicated solely to the corresponding authors' email.
The journal appreciates contributions with research in the areas of engineering and technology from different disciplinary perspectives. Journal topics include, but are not limited to:
- Embedded Systems
- Biomedical
- Sensors
- Robotics
- Bioinformatics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Internet of Things
- Communication Networks
- Smart Manufacturing
- Cloud Computing
- Digital Transformation
- Smart Cities
- Modeling and simulation
- Industry 4.0
- Disruptive Technologies
- Virtual Reality
- Augmented Reality
- Metaverse
- Chatbots
- Natural Language Processing
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Cybersecurity
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Renewable Energies
- Electromobility
- STEAM Initiatives
The maximum length of the research article should be 6 pages (including references and annexes), and 12 pages for review articles. The minimum number of pages should be 4 for research articles and 10 pages for review articles.
The article must strictly adhere to the style and bibliography type described in the template. The templates are available in LaTeX and can be downloaded at the following link:
Although submissions in English or Spanish are accepted, manuscripts in English are preferred. As a suggestion, articles should include: title (English), abstract (English), keywords (English), introduction (English or Spanish), Methods (English or Spanish), (English or Spanish), results (English or Spanish), discussion (English or Spanish), conclusions (English or Spanish), references (English), Annexes (optional, English or Spanish).
In addition to the manuscript in PDF, you must include a color PNG image as a Graphical Abstract for your article. The image should reflect the main contribution of your article as it constitutes a visual summary of the main findings. Provide an image with a minimum of 531 pixels x 1328 pixels (height x width) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.